Package kmtt.models.subsite
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data class Subsite(id: Long?, url: String?, type: Long?, name: String?, description: String?, avatarUrl: String?, cover: SubsiteCover?, isSubscribed: Boolean?, isVerified: Boolean?, isUnsubscribable: Boolean?, subscribersCount: Int?, commentsCount: Int?, entriesCount: Int?, vacanciesCount: Int?, created: Long?, createdRFC: String?, karma: Long?, socialAccounts: List<SocialAccount>?, pushTopic: String?, advancedAccess: AdvancedAccess?, counters: Counters?, userHash: String?, contacts: SubsiteContacts?)
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data class SubsiteContacts(socials: List<SocialAccount>?, site: SubsiteContactsSite?, email: String?, contacts: String?)
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data class SubsitesVacanciesResponseResult(items: List<Vacancy>?, lastId: Long?)
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