Package kmtt.models.entry


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data class Entry(id: Long?, title: String?, webviewUrl: String?, entryContent: EntryContent?, date: Long?, dateRFC: String?, lastModificationDate: Long?, author: Author?, type: Int?, intro: String?, cover: Cover?, introInFeed: String?, similar: List<Similar>?, hitsCount: Long?, likes: Likes?, commentsPreview: List<Comment>?, commentsCount: Int?, favoritesCount: Int?, isFavorited: Boolean?, isEnabledLikes: Boolean?, isEnabledComments: Boolean?, isEditorial: Boolean?, isPinned: Boolean?, audioUrl: String?, badges: List<Badge>?, commentatorsAvatars: List<String>?, subsite: Subsite?, hotness: Double?, subscribedToTreads: Boolean?, blocks: List<EntryBlock>?, canEdit: Boolean?, dateFavorite: Long?, isRepost: Boolean?, isPromoted: Boolean?, repost: EntryRepost?, commentsSeenCount: EntryCommentsSeenCount?, etcControls: EtcControls?, isShowThanks: Boolean?, isStillUpdating: Boolean?, isFilledByEditors: Boolean?, coAuthor: Subsite?)
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data class EntryBlock(type: String?, data: JsonObject?, cover: Boolean?, anchor: String?)
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data class EntryCommentsSeenCount(count: Long?, date: Long?)
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data class EntryComplaintError(message: String?, error: EntryComplaintErrorError?)
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data class EntryComplaintErrorError(code: Int?, info: JsonObject?)
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data class EntryContent(html: String?, version: String?)
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data class EntryLayout(html: String?, version: String?)
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data class EntryRepost(author: Subsite?)