Package kmtt.models


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data class AdditionalData(type: String?, url: String?, propertySize: Long?, uuid: String?, duration: Long?, hasAudio: Boolean?)
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data class AdvancedAccess(isNeedsAdvancedAccess: Boolean?, actions: AdvancedAccessActions?, dtfSubscription: Subscription?, tvSubscription: Subscription?, vcSubscription: Subscription?, hash: String?)

Список разраешений

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data class AdvancedAccessActions(readComments: Boolean?, writeComments: Boolean?)
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data class Author(id: Long?, created: Long?, firstName: String?, lastName: String?, name: String?, gender: Int?, url: String?, avatarUrl: String?, karma: Int?, socialAccounts: List<SocialAccount>?)
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data class Badge(type: String?, text: String?, color: String?, background: String?, border: String?)
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data class BlacklistResponseResult(success: Boolean?)
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data class Company(id: Long?, name: String?, logo: String?, url: String?, isVerified: Boolean?)
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data class Counters(entries: Long?, comments: Long?, favorites: Long?)
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data class Cover(type: Int?, additionalData: AdditionalData?, thumbnailUrl: String?, url: String?, propertySize: Size?, sizeSimple: String?)
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data class EtcControls(editEntry: Boolean?, pinContent: Boolean?, unpublishEntry: Boolean?, banSubsite: Boolean?, pinComment: Boolean?, remove: Boolean?, removeThread: Boolean?)
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data class Event(id: Long?, title: String?, archived: Boolean?, entryId: String?, cityId: String?, cityName: String?, price: String?, date: Long?, favoritesCount: Long?, isFavorited: Boolean?, company: Company?, interested: Long?)
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data class EventFiltersResponseResult(cities: List<JobOrEventFilter>?, specializations: List<JobOrEventFilter>?)
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data class EventsResponseResult(items: List<Event>?, lastId: Long?)
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data class FavoriteChangeResponseResult(result: Boolean?, count: Int?)
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data class IgnoredKeywordsResponseResult(keywords: List<String>?)
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data class JobOrEventFilter(id: Long?, title: String?)
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data class Liker(vote: Int, name: String, avatarURL: String)
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data class Likes(count: Int?, summ: Int?, isLiked: Int?, isHidden: Boolean?)
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data class LocateResponseResult(type: LocateResponseResult.Type?, data: Int?)
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data class Media(type: Media.Type?, imageUrl: String?, iframeUrl: String?, service: String?, additionalData: AdditionalData?, propertySize: Size?)
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object MediaTypeSerializer : KSerializer<Media.Type>
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data class MyNotificationsCountResponseResult(count: Long?)
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data class Notification(id: Long?, type: Int?, date: Long?, dateRFC: String?, users: List<Subsite>?, text: String?, commentText: String?, url: String?, icon: Notification.Icon?)
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data class OperationNestedStatusResponseResult(result: Boolean?)
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data class PushSettingsResponse(result: Int?)
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data class QuizItem(count: Int, total: Int, isWinner: Boolean, percentage: Int)
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data class QuizResult(items: Map<String, QuizItem>?, winner: String?, userVoted: String?, randomVotedUsers: Map<String, List<Subsite>>?)
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data class Rate(rate: String?, change: Long?, sym: String?)
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data class Rates(usd: Rate?, eur: Rate?, btc: Rate?, eth: Rate?)
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data class SaveAvatarResponseResult(src: String?)
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data class SaveCoverResponse(success: Boolean?)
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data class Similar(id: Long?, title: Long?, url: Long?, date: Long?, dateRFC: Long?)
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data class Size(width: Long?, height: Long?, ratio: Double?)
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data class SocialAccount(id: Long?, type: Int?, username: String?, url: String?)
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data class Subscription(isActive: Boolean?, activeUntil: Long?)
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data class Tweet(id: String?, text: String?, user: TweetUser?, retweetCount: Long?, favoriteCount: Long?, hasMedia: Boolean?, media: List<TweetMedium>?, createdAt: Long?)
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data class TweetMedium(type: Long?, thumbnailUrl: String?, mediaUrl: String?, thumbnailWidth: Long?, thumbnailHeight: Long?, ratio: Long?)
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data class TweetUser(createdAt: Long?, followersCount: Long?, friendsCount: Long?, id: Long?, name: String?, profileImageUrl: String?, profileImageUrlBigger: String?, screenName: String?, statusesCount: Long?)
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data class UpdatePushSettingsResponse(result: JsonObject?)
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data class Watcher(id: Long?, event: String?, url: String?)
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data class Websocket(type: Websocket.Type?, contentId: Long?, count: Int?, id: Long?, state: Int?, userHash: String?)